This post was contributed by Karen Lawer, LRC Resources Advisor
H5P is an amazing tool that makes it easy to create interactive content in your Moodle course, providing a huge range of content types for various needs.
H5P content is broadly divided into four content types:
Games. Easy to create gaming options to support student learning. eg. Flashcards and Find the words
Multimedia. Interactive and visually-appealing content eg. Image sequencing, Find the Hotspot, Course Presentation, etc.
Questions. Assess learner knowledge with various formats like Multiple Questions, Fill in the Blanks, Questionnaire, Summary, Interactive Video, and so on.
Social Media. Tools for creating and adapting video content eg. Interactive Video
Preview and explore these content types on the H5P website here:
Creating a Word search in Moodle

Adding a Word Search to your Moodle course is now ridiculously easy, and completely trackable in the Course Gradebook!
Click Create Learning Activity
Open the H5P Interactive Content
Select 'Find the Words'
Give your word search a title, then under 'Word List' type the words students need to find.
Click Save, and H5P will build you a word search fully intergrated in your Moodle course.
Display options in Moodle
An incredibly useful feature with H5P is that you can embed the content you have created anywhere.
Students are more likely to complete an activity if it's easy to access. The embed option allows you to place the activity directly on your main course page.
Recording student engagement
What is so fantastic about the Moodle integration is that all grades and interaction from students will be recorded in the Course Gradebook and Activity Reports.
You will know when your students accessed this activity, how long it took them to complete it and what grade they got at the end (if appropriate).